A Helping Hand During IVF
Getting pregnant isn’t always easy, and some women must turn to assisted reproductive technology (ART) for assistance. ART procedures like in vitro fertilization (IVF) can increase the chances of conception. For many patients, IVF can be emotionally and physically taxing. Having help during the process can make a big difference in feeling supported on the path to pregnancy.
What is IVF?
Approximately 10% of women experience infertility. With IVF, pregnancy chances are increased. The procedure uses medication to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Those eggs are then retrieved and combined with sperm in the lab to create embryos. The healthiest embryo is then selected and transferred back into the uterus for implantation. If all goes well, the result is a healthy baby 9 months later.
1. Assistance with daily responsibilities
Patients undergoing IVF will be given hormone medication to stimulate egg growth. This medication is associated with many side effects, including bloating, hot flashes, headaches, and mood swings. Additionally, an egg retrieval and transfer will be scheduled. Both procedures are quick but can be associated with some minor discomfort. During the IVF process, having support is essential. If a neighbor offers to walk the dog or drop off a meal, accept the help. If family or friends can watch an older child or do a load of laundry, say yes. Any help during treatment can make the experience less stressful for the woman, allowing more time for rest.
2. A supportive partner
Deciding to have a baby using IVF can feel isolating to some individuals. Women may not want to share the news with others until a positive pregnancy test is received. However, having a supportive partner during the process is essential. Whether a husband, parent, or trusted friend, this person can attend all the essential visits, providing emotional support. Additionally, with so many details to keep track of, the support partner can be tasked with remembering important dates, medication regimens, and instructions. If injections are required, the partner can administer medication at home, so the patient isn’t solely responsible.
3. Prioritize physical and mental health
During such an intense process, women must prioritize personal physical and mental well-being. For some people, a daily run or a weekend yoga class is non-negotiable. For others, starting or continuing talk therapy to process emotions can help. Still, other patients can benefit from acupuncture, massage, and meditation. A healthy diet and drinking plenty of water can ensure women undergoing IVF feel good. Plenty of sleep is also essential to stay well.
A supportive experience
Fertility treatment requires immense strength. While undergoing IVF, women should accept help when offered, find a supportive partner, and prioritize physical and mental health. With the right mindset, stress can be diminished, and chances of conception can increase. With a little help from friends and family, IVF doesn’t have to be so overwhelming.